Don’t Dream
It’s Over
February 2018
I appointed my students to pick out their favourite song from the 80s. The one that awakes pictures in their heads whenever it starts to play.
Then the students had to express these pictures verbally and graphically. Eventually they had to tell the story in 48 panels and silkscreen a large one-colour-poster.
In cooperation with the Saarland-museum the students pre-sented their work in a live-reading as well as in an exhibition at the Schloßkirche, Saarbrücken. Each panel was projected on a large canvas at the far end of the church and the students lead through their stories while each song was played loudly.
The class and the event were an success regarding that each student went a far way from a song memory to the blank paper, from a vague concept to an exhibition and a pre-sentation in front of a big audience.
Also the students got to sell some of their posters and made a few bucks.

Roxanne Schulz und Felix Steinbrenner bei ihren Präsentationen
Foto: Andreas Bayer